Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Rise of @

If you were born before 1990 you probably remember that little circle a looking mark above the 2 on your typewriter keyboard. You know that symbol which was rarely, if ever, needed. Well thanks to the internet and Al Gore the @ symbol has made a meteoric rise.

My iPhone has an @ symbol everywhere to make it easier to enter email addresses. In the electronic age when more people communicate electronically than face to face (and no I don't have any empirical research supporting this position) the @ symbol has become ubiquitous in our society. Everyone can be reached

The @symbol is a poster child for other aspiring marks. Who's next? You Mr. ^ or how about you Ms.* We'll keep on eye on you Ms. * because we think you are on the rise. You too can join @ and / in the common parlance if you work hard and find your internet niche.

Todays musing brought to you courtesy of Dot Com.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Murphy's Law of Traffic Lights

Have you ever noticed that if you are in a hurry then inevitably you will hit almost every single red light on your route. However, if you are in no hurry you will sail through the intersections like the lights were timed just for you.
A corollary to this is if you need a red light you will NEVER get one. Drop your phone in the floor, spill your soda, need to send a text or make a call then you may as well be driving on the Autobahn because you never see a red light!

Today's foray into my brain was brought to you by the letters A and P and the numbers 7 and 11.