Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Rise of @

If you were born before 1990 you probably remember that little circle a looking mark above the 2 on your typewriter keyboard. You know that symbol which was rarely, if ever, needed. Well thanks to the internet and Al Gore the @ symbol has made a meteoric rise.

My iPhone has an @ symbol everywhere to make it easier to enter email addresses. In the electronic age when more people communicate electronically than face to face (and no I don't have any empirical research supporting this position) the @ symbol has become ubiquitous in our society. Everyone can be reached

The @symbol is a poster child for other aspiring marks. Who's next? You Mr. ^ or how about you Ms.* We'll keep on eye on you Ms. * because we think you are on the rise. You too can join @ and / in the common parlance if you work hard and find your internet niche.

Todays musing brought to you courtesy of Dot Com.

1 comment:

  1. Thank God in the "electronic age" more people are communicating electronically. And really, you used parlance?
